Madan no Ou to Vanadis Wiki
Madan no Ou to Vanadis Wiki




Kingdom Profile
Notable Figures


Sachstein is one of the five major Kingdoms in Madan no Ou to Vanadis series. It is a rival Kingdom to its neighboring Kingdom Brune. It also used to be allied with another neighboring the Kingdom of Asvarre.


Sachstein is a Nation led by a monarch that is mainly comprised of mountains and forests. Thus it has received the nickname "The Nation of Mountains and Forests". Because of these features. But due to the geographical separation, Sachstein used to be divided into numerous small countries. with local lords being the "king" of their countries. They only united to defend against attack from their neighbours.

It was not until 250 years ago. Grimwald, a man who was not even one of the kings, defeated all the local lords and united the land as one kingdom[1]. They also have and extremely bitter history with Asvarre whose origins can be trace back to the founder Grimwald Von Rothschild Sachstein and Lord Barbarossa Von Sachstein.

Early History[]

The early history of Sachstein as a nation began when Barbarossa Von Sachstein who is also the posthumous co founder of Sachstein set out unify the region people and kingdom that would one day bear his family’s name. he was on the verge of uniting Sachstein or what would become it for the first time in it history.

He was going to conquer a Sachstein speaking land to complete the unification of the country. But Queen Zephyria passed Caidez former border it turned out she made alliance with local Sachstein lords to betray Barbarossa Von Sachstein in his moment of triumph.

They engaged in battle and Barbarossa forces were surrounded by both sided treaters on the rear and Asvarre in back as result of the battle forces were almost wiped out almost to the last man leavening very few survivors. This is where Grimwald Von Rothschild entered the picture he was a just a newly minted but talented knight in the service of Barbarossa. The reason he got the job was because he was the highest ranking survivor of the battle of Barbarossa forces.

But he quickly restored the survivors with new found hope that he would fulfill Barbarossa Von Sachstein dream which he wholeheartedly believed in. To do that he quickly found and married Barbarossa only surviving hier who happened to be female beacuse all his sons also died in the battle. She was already betrothed to another man who was one of traitors.He also examined while Barbarossa failed and got killed he concluded not enough loyalty among the nobles and the commoners where not invested in the cause so Grimwald decided to make the commoners invested in the unification. He also concluded Barbarossa went to fast and did not consolidate his power. He decided to the later two and keep the nobility under his thumb.

This would turned manage to make his neighbors stay out his was as he quickly told the kings of Brune and Zhcted and other powers at what had happened so appalled what had to Barbarossa Von Sachstein they decided to stay out of it and warned any powers not to intervene in this struggle.They agree to not intervene his quest for unification of the land.

It is said according to legend Barbarossas daughter did not even like the guy at first and the only reason she went along with was because they betrayed her father she dis mother the future decedents of the Rothschild Sachstein line branch the marriage did prove to be a happy one As he was completely fateful to her and never took concubines or mistresses. He was a great father to there children and very good ruler to the common people and very benevolent from day one because he had no beef or I’ll will against them it was aimed at the higher nobility or kings that betrayed Barbarossa Von Sachstein.

After the his marriage was done with. Grimwald Von Rothschild Sachstein along with getting name king of Barbarossa core territory’s he then went on to conquer Barbarossa former territory’s takeing most of his remaining life to so bit by bit. He also punished the minor affiliated nobles and just the nobles who betrayed Barbarossa .

Grimwaled also lowered the commoners tax rate while making the traitors nobles pay for their land while also making them pay taxes giving some of the land to the common people free of charge. While the loyal nobles who were scattered were given the land free of charge but still had to pay taxes while some land was given to the common folk . For all land he force all the nobility a slice of their land to in the name of securing his authority. For the noble ring leaders in Barbarossa betrayal where put to the sword while there heirs where not.they where force into the same treatment as the other nobles.

By the time Grimwald was in the same position as Barbarossa he was but and old man who fair lived many more years than Barbarossa. He prepared to finish the job Barbarossa had started and also get justice for Barbarossa. The final battle of the unification was very one sided between what would becomes Sachstein and Asvarre. With Grimwald emerging the victor. He then found out was barred in a temple in a very undignified manner in a temple that queen Zephyria constructed commemorating her victory. But after recovering Barbarossa body he than orders the temple to be destroyed and it contents sold and destroyed.

Grimwaled had himself and wife crowned himself the king and queen of the newly founded nation of Sachstein named in honor of barbarossa family. He also order a mausoleum of Barbarossa to be built to house in honor of Barbarossa and to house the remains of of the royal family of Sachstein. It was completed soon before his death where they would house his recently deceased wife and Barbarossa and in a few mouths later himself.

After The Reign Of Grimwald[]

After the reign of Grimwald the local lords did try overthrow the regime of the the Rothschild and Sachstein dynasty but they realized this approach was impractical and impossible. They also realized the continent would never forgive them for their betrayal of Barbarossa Von Sachstein. They realized because the the land giving to the common people and giving them rights they realized that they would have to work within the system while giving there monarchy as little power as possible and overtime they did just that. The other reason for this the nobles and rich commoners were mad they could not gain power at the rate they wanted to within the system . It did not help that some kings made stupid bone headed decisions or where not interested in doing there jobs.

Recent History[]

However, many local lords still treat themselves as the decedent of their ancestral kings, and formally hold low loyalty to their actual king.Until the current king in both timelines scared the crap out of them and gave them respect by giving himself the title high king .and solved the issue permanently and now know what’s up there loyalty will never be in question. But this was after chaotic and violent childhood king augest suffered from.

He did not have a good childhood he and his family were victims of the constant infighting between the nobility with the support by their former southern neighbor. He manage to escape the carnage but he was picked up by a mercenary group who head Atries adopts him as one his son where he went by the name Hans which he still goes by to his close friends.which he joined . When he grew older and rose two second in command he decided to revel his identity after he was revealed to have become king by a royal clerk. as the previous king had also been killed off .

The mercenary group led by his adopted father declared there undying loyalty to him to this day they call him king Hans and his adopted father Atries is one of the generals he trusts and is most able besides august himself he also has great relationships with his stepbrothers who made themselves known in battle. People thought august would be the same they where did wrong. Atries house was ennobles. He also gets support of talentet royalest and went to work. He also gives the title of Duke to a Atries by the lands August seized and where responsible for killing augest first family he killed those nobles and made examples out of them.

Even by Tigre time Atries is still extremely active and in extremely great shape despite his age.The way he announced his arrival that he was still alive was done in a shocking surprise attack . The other nobility tried to bribe his guard it did not work they were arrested instead. Than august than coronates him self as high king of Sachstein which solved a lot there internal loyalty problems and there pride. He also gave positions by loyalty not rank he also held military service in the highest regard and made his nation in some ways an oversized military camp. With this he conquered Atries homeland who he and his wife was exiled from after he conquered it he made Atries king of it but a subordinate king to Sachstein it cost him some of his less valuable land holdings but Atries was thankful for it.

Than his southern neighbor the one they been feuding with lacked a male heir and had only a female heir he decided he was going to marry her the southern neighbor. put up a fierce resistance for a few years but they also prevented there queen from ruling or making peace so she escaped to accept her husband hand in marriage.With a force loyal soldiers that practically raised her.She also did not have a happy childhood because the regents neglected her and as result was raised by a military camp. In august court it not uncommon for her to wear military uniform or her armor she is describe as beautiful tomboy by members of the court who loves to help her husband rule an do military things.Infact she only wear dress during her wedding and corination.

With therother that she wears common millitry attire lie her husband and similer robs like her husband during ceromonyse wedding ceremony was held in front of a military camp. Through she was intimidated by her husband at first but after there son Atries was born this disappeared. They quickly spent no time in siring and heir. by the time their son was two her nation had been incorporated in the high Kingdom of Sachstien it was annexed via marriage.

The marriage has turned out to be a happy one his wife help run a lot of the domestic affairs of the kingdom even if she is a little intimidated by him at times she is also a formable warrior in her own right .During the last year of the of the war who refuse to acknowledge her choice put by her own lords slaying dozens of enemies in combat.

Their eldest son and heir was named Atries after Hans adopted father who his wife and friends call him by .After those two conquests King Augest doubled the size of Sachstein landholdings. He also reorganized the government to make it more democratic but this was to hold the nobles in check but he was inspired by Atries homeland to do this. He was inspired but his wife homeland even before conquering it of doing a voluntary levy because he encouraged this because he hold military service in the highest regard .

August also made a House of Lords and a senate. The lords represented the hereditary nobility’s while the senate represented was democratically elected by the common people. So those ambitions people could gain power with in the system and have sway over affairs over the kingdom.But could also govern on the king’s or monarch’s behalf and prevent them from making stupid and bone headed decisions

Historical And State Symbols and Culture[]

In the Michelia series, Sachstein's regalia sword is Balmung, which emits the same mysterious presence as Durandal and Caliburn, hinting it is also related to the demons. The sword is thought to be lost, until it ends up in the hand of Valtraute von Leverens, one of the local lords. King Augusto acknowledged her ownership of the sword rather than demanding it to be returned to the royal family.

The symbol of Sachstein is a huge white eagle, it appeared on every of Sachstein's war banner. The eagle is based on Hresvelgr, the giant white eagle who take soul of the dead, so it's best to not carelessly threaten eagles in this kingdom.

Their Religious belief system is based on Germanic Norse Mythology. The few major gods worshipped are Wotan the god of knowledge, Thor the god of thunder, and Tyr/Mars/Aries the god of war and Odin/Zeus/Jupitur king of the gods. There are also old gods from before Sachstein kingdom is united.

Many generals also wear winged helmet to resemble war maiden Walkure.


The mountainous feature of historical Sachstein made their land unsuitable for agriculture. This means their staple food consist of sturdy potatoes that can grow in harsh soil, and pigs that can be feed with pretty much anything they can find in the forest. This gives the stereotype of Sachstein as people who eats nothing but sausage and potatoes.

Common menu includes wurst (pork sausage), pork, mutton ,Goat,boiled potatoes, and sauerkraut (sour fermented cabbage , cabbage and pickles ). Other menu such as bean soup, herb soup, baked bread with innards. Beef and lamb meat are usually too expensive for commoners.but in there recently conquered regions olives and other tropical food is part of diet along with wine. But it has changed over to beer but later a mix of both beer and wine.

Rather than wine or liquor, beer is the common drink in Sachstein, served in glass jockeys. The Sachstein beer known in neighbouring countries are black in colouration and have strong bitter taste, giving the impression Sachstein people prefers bitter beer.[2] Of course, they also have other types of beers. Turns out there King August Benedict Von Rothschild Sachstein. favors these kinds of foods especially a dish known as Schweinshaxe he also has encouraged the nobles follow his example


Feud with Muozinel and Defeat[]

Sometime before the actual plot began, Sachstein feuded with Muozinel by launching a navy invasion against Muozinel with its 1000 ships against Kureys's 200 ships. Unfortunately, even with its far superior number, Sachstein Army was outwitted by Kureys's cunning war strategy[3][4] and defeated. Due to this Sachstein nicknamed Kureys as the Red beard.

Border Harassment to Brune[]

While feuding with Brune, Sachstein Army made numerous time to invade Brune's western boarders and battle against Brune's elite knight squadron, the Navarre Knights, which were quickly outmatched by Roland and his knights's might.

Large Scale Invasion on Brune[]

Main Article:Battle of Plainville

However, the truce between Brune and Sachstein was short lived when Thenardier met his demise in Mereville Plains. Three years after the death of Brune three heroes (Faron, Roland and even Thenardier), Sachstein resumed its invasion towards its Eastern kingdom with 70,000 troops to take Nice and Nemetacum however later it was foiled by new Brune heroes Tigre and his new army, Moonlight Knights along with betrayal of Asvarre led by Tallard Graham.

Sachstein-Asvarre War[]

After the defeat on Prowirl because of Tallard's betrayal by attacking the supply troops that was raiding the village. Leonhardt return to Sachstein and later he was promoted as Sachstein Supreme Commander to invade Asvarre and King Augusto warn Leonhardt that he will not allowed to set foot on Royal Palace until he can bring Tallard's head. Thus, war between Sachstein and Asvarre begins.o Later ended in peace treaty and Leonhardt was forgiven upon discovering the cercumstances of the death behind Hans Von Klugal death.

Prominent Figure[]

Current Figures[]

  • August Benedict Von Rothschild Sachstein. (King of Sachstein)
  • Leonhardt von Schmitt
  • Simon (Mercenary that was hired by Ludra on Asvarre Civil War)

Former Figures[]

  • Hans von Klugel

Other Figures[]

  • Valtraute von Leverens (Michelia series). Head of Leverens family, one of the strongest local lords in Sachstein. A woman who inherits the family from her assassinated father. She is the holder of Balmung, the regalia sword of Sachstein. Four years ago, she refused a marriage proposal from Atries.But later eventualy accepts the second time around,
  • Atries Augusto von Rothschild (Michelia series). Only son of the current king of Sachstein, entrusted to command over city of Hannover, front line of conflict between the Royal Family and local lords' faction. A prince who doesn't act as a prince, he is loved by the people of Hannover as their friendly ruler.
  • Goldbelger (Michelia series). Major lord in Sachstein, competing with the Leverens. An aggressive man wanting to confront the Kingdom. Has smaller territory and less wealth than the Leverens, but his attitude towards the kingdom made him liked by other lords compared to the Leverens who are cooperative with all sides.


Main Territories[]

Other Location[]

Neighboring Kingdoms[]

Kingdom Location Description
Far East
Zhcted is not directly neighboring to Sachstein. However, its's recent invasion towards Brune has inadvertently involved Zhcted due to their fresh truce between both kingdoms.
Sachstein had attempted to invade Brune despite repeatedly repelled by Roland and the Navarre Knights. In one occasion, Sachstein also momentarily accepts a "truce" with Brune through Thenardier's letter of cease fire. However, it only took Sachstein another three years to resume their invasion towards Brune after Thenardier's demise.
North and west
Sachstein was once united with Asvarre to jointly invade Brune. Some of its mercenaries were also involved in the Asvarre Civil War. In one point, Asvarre also once Sachstein's target for its invasion which only to canceled due to its complicated highways.
Far southeast
Munozinel occasionally raid Sachstein for slaves, however, both kingdoms never seem to officially declare war on each other.


  • According to the author, Sachstein is based on Germany[5].
  • Relationship between Sachstein and Asvarre is very terrible. It is said that 1 of 2 encounters between people of Sachstein and Asvarre ends with insults between both, and 1 of 2 encounters ends with fight.
    • It's rumoured King Augusto of Sachstein told his minister Asvarre is "the dumping ground of all filth of this world, although it is hidden by the mist", while King Zacharias of Asvarre said to his aide "I use Sachstein as a vocabulary to describe countryside or the outbacks"[6].
    • "Kind hearted people call that country as "Kingdom of mountains and forest", but those who has the courage to say the truth calls it like this, "Kingdom of sausage and potato". Father even calls it "the slag stuck between two teeth called Asvarre and Brune". Anyway, if you are heading to that country, be prepared to have nothing to eat other than beer, sausage, and potato. All the people who ever visited there said so." - Guinevere to Mila[7]


  1. Michelia vol 5 p38
  2. Michelia volume 5 p160
  3. Light Novel Volume 5
  4. Anime Episode 9
  6. Michelia vol 5 p30
  7. Michelia volume 5 p97

